Sunday, March 13, 2011

Almost There T minus 3 days

One more round of chemo and then I have a day of rest before transplant. I am scared about how sick it will make me. There are so many unknowns. All I can hope for is that they can control the marrow and that the leukemia will never come back. It will all be worth it if that happens.  It was so hard to go from feeling perfectly normal on Sunday, to tired with messed up taste buds. I am sure it will get worse before it gets better. I really am scared and ask everyone to pray for me.  I am sure it will all go well, but you know how it is, you mind always thinks about the worst possibilities.

The doctors did let me go outside today. It felt soooo nice. I can't wait until I am able to go home. It is just more comfortable and restful there.  YUP even with the dogs.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Radiation - Day 4 T minus 6 to transplant

The radiation is starting to get to me. My stomache feels acidic and really doesn't want to eat, so I have to find the simplest foods I can.  Today was the LONGEST session ever. The machine kept over heating so instread of taking an hour, it took two. I kept feeling like I had bile in the back of my throat but kept telling myself to keep it down, I can make it. The only reward was that Jason was in my room when I got back and we curled up on my bed and took a nap,  It is sooo hard feeling sick after feeling so great and unfortunately it is only going to get worse. But I can do it!!!

Check out the pics below....and you thought torchure was a thing of the past

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Let the Torture Begin - Day minus 8

O.k  I am going to have to post pictures on here of the how they strap you in for radiation treatment. Everyone thought torture was a thing of the past, but if you saw the devices they use in the dungeon here, you would believe again.  I had my first of seven rounds yesterday. I wish it was round seven. I really can't describe the event without pictures.The good news was it didn't make me sick, the bad news was my face is swollen. My lymphnoids and checks and around my eyes are very puffy.  It looks beautimus.

It is really hard to be back in the hospital.  I just want to be done and go home! The staff here is fabulous, but it is soooo boring and I miss my family and my pets. Today is day minus 8 with 0 being transplant day. Hopefully soon, I am on the other side of this.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


I was looking at the pictures posted below.  It is amazing how carefree and simple our life was not that long ago. Man...I even miss my hair, even though it was a pain to get ready in the morning. And did you notice how tan I look? I can't wait until I am all done with this. We are going to take another cruise to celebrate. You are all invited...each and every one of you.

On another note:

My friend Kelly owns a boutique she is offering to donate a portion of the sale to me if you mention my name.  She has really cute designer jeans, shirts, jewelry etc. and my teenage girls LOVE her store. If you are interested, she is located at 13269 S 1460 W. more thing. Only 5 1/2 days of freedom left.