Friday, February 4, 2011

A Full Week of Freedom

Counts are climbing!!!!  I do not have to go back for lab work until Wednesday the 9th. I can't even begin to tell you how liberating and boring this is. They haven't released me to work (I asked but they never answered) so I am pretty much home all day trying to keep myself busy. I don't have to stay home, but all I would do is go spend money.  I have found several projects I can do including: touch up paint work, striping wallpaper and repainting Bay's room, installing new light fixtures, repainting the laundry and bath, refinishing the oak railing, touching up and refinishing wood furniture But doing all these could get expensive! I did buy some fixtures  for my bathroom, but of course nothing ever works out. I got one light hung and went to put up the other one, but the stupid light box is off-set and the type of lights I bought have to be mounted directly on the box. Looking forward to hanging with my sister-neighbors this weekend.
I started my application for SS disability and long term disability with my work. Disabled, I don't feel disabled. I mentioned this to the transplant coordinator and she said it was good that I take care of these things while I am feeling well. O.k. Now she has me scared. I don't like the idea of being too sick to do anything or even take care of myself. Ugh! I just wish everything was over with.

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