Monday, February 7, 2011

Keeping up with the Nortons

Jason and I have some friends that we do everything with. They are our vacation buddies and our some of our closest friends. Weather it is Lake Powell, the sand dunes, DisneyWorld, or cruising the Caribbean, they are the people we do everything with. We have a big joke between us that they are trying to keep up with the Nortons whenever we buy something new (we say it is keeping up with the Burgons). For example, when we bought our cabin cruiser, Kim and Lynn got one too. When we bought our toyhauler, they turned their old one in and bought a new one. You get the idea.
Yesterday, Kim called me. She was at Jordan Valley Emergency and they had diagnosed her with Lymphoma. I was in SHOCK!!! Jason said I grabbed his hand and squeezed his fingers (apparently really hard too) I don't remember this. All I know is I had to go see her. I knew what she was going through and I had to be there for her. I am glad we went. We were able to make her laugh. Especially when I told her, "Kim, this is one time you were NOT supposed to keep up with the Nortons!"
We are waiting for the results of her biopsy. I am praying that is is NHL (not the National Hockey League) and she will be in remission soon!

1 comment:

  1. That is terrible news. Give her a big hug and tell her our thoughts and prayers are with her.
